Iberconsa finances a health care center in the port of Rawson

The Government of Chubut (Argentina), together with the Operations General Manager of the Iberconsa Group and numerous personalities, inaugurated a comprehensive primary health care center in the port of Rawson.
The work was carried out thanks to the decision of Chubut´s governor, Mariano Arcioni, under the supervision of the Health Minister, Fabian Puratich and Iberconsa Group financing.
The need to have an assistance point for the workers of the important fishing port is the origin of the project. In the words of Jose Domínguez, Iberconsa’s Operations General Manager: “This came up in a conversation we had with the Secretary of Fisheries, Adrián Awstin, where talking about the endowments that the port had, it was mentioned that there was a lack of resources in the health system and the existence of this place that was semi abandoned. Considerting this, and taking into account that GRUPO IBERCONSA has an important fish processing plant in Rawson, we understood that it could be a useful collaboration, necessary for assistance in the port, and that is how we got to work ”.
Likewise, the Secretary of Fisheries Adrián Awstin stressed that “Iberconsa is a company that has demonstrated, together with the entire fishing sector, corporate responsibility and great solidarity towards the wholte population”. Awstin also assured that “it is a very important and highly expected work in the Port, because it is linked to health, emergencies and first aid for workers on the dock. Now they will be able to work with the peace of mind that a nearby health center means ”.
The place is part of the Ministry of Fisheries building; it holds a complete medical dispensary, a health office, two bathrooms and a waiting room for patients. It also has access for ambulances.