The Research and Development Project, LANIBER “Development of Red Shrimp base products with emergent technologies”, is lead by GRUPO IBERCONSA in collaboration with ANFACO, and its execution time frame is from August 2017 until July 2019. It will be developed 100% in Galicia Region and it has a budget of 351.630€, co-financed by the MAPAMA Center for Technological and Industrial Development and for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The main purpose of this project is increade the value added of Red Shrimp based products, through the usage of new preservation technologies. This will allow Iberconsa to develop new long shelf life chilled products in order to have a diferentiated and unique positioning in the market.
The project idea comes from the fact that, although shrimp consumption has increase during the last years, mainly cultivated shrimp (Pleoticus vannamei), there are few products in the market based in Red Shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri). This is a wild species found in the market mainly in whole format or tails, both as frozen products.
LANIBER tries to develop production alternatives, through the usage if new preservation technologies (high pressure and microwave pasteurization), that allow the development of long shelf life new products for the food cold chain products channel.